most militant

美 [moʊst ˈmɪlɪtənt]英 [məʊst ˈmɪlɪtənt]
  • adj.好战的;动武的;有战斗性的
  • militant的最高级
most militantmost militant
  1. He was Capitol hill 's most militant health-care campaigner .


  2. Nigeria 's most prominent oil militant leader tells the vice-president he will try to help end violence in the Niger Delta .


  3. Former National Security Advisor Scowcroft believes that for progress to be made in the Middle East , the United States must talk to Hamas , the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movement , which controls the Gaza strip .


  4. Jack London ( 1876-1916 ) was one of the most articulate and militant spokesmen of the ordinary class at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century . In the American literary world , his rise to popularity in the early 20th century was in a way meteoric .
